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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  November 8, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >> skiers and snow boarders it is a slosite to delight in. rainfall, and the snowfalsunshine-playing tagt is the for cigna began rainfall of the season. and the wet weather does not seem to be letting up. we had out right now to kron 4 j. r. stone. he has been
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following the downpour all day. j.r.? >> not that bad right now, pam it was earlier the wet day. it meant one thing that dozens of photos posted and we did on the social media. san francisco got hit with rainfall and then the next was sunday with rainfall. people could enjoy and from their homes or offices or wait until it was over. this did not deter tourists from the golden gate bridge and even some saw this rainbow over the bay. something you not see something every day in the city. >> obviously we saw a very scenic day in san francisco. in ocean beach this evening it is a dry but it is cold and windy. reporting in san
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francisco, j. r. stone, kron 4 news. >> nothing like going from a sunny, 80 degrees and 50 degrees and cold. and just a couple of days. many people have been sending in the photos kirchhof our kron 4 facek fan page. this is the mclaren lodge. it looks like this is sideways. and further himself that this is from a mountain view a ton of water on this side mirror. building up and meanwhile in pacifica look at these blue skies. with darker, agreegre and als a niceo pay off and gray but 280/1 0 1 intersection i want to thank you for all of
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your pictures. message us on facebook or e-mail at breaking >> take a look get the sierras. we can see the snowfall blanketing the lake tahoe area is to bring a early ski season. >> the forecast looks great for snow this weekend. a mass of cold air is moving across donner summit and boreal mountain resort is preparing to open on saturday. they have already started snowmaking operations. the national weather service is predicting between four and to 9 in. of snowfall through tomorrow. if that does happen cough boreal will welcome guests. skiing and
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snowboarding started back on october 26th but all that had to stop on halloween because to is just to warm and. this weekend is veterans day weekend and they're expecting a big crowd. this is usually considered early because ski resorts usually open the around thanksgiving and by tomorrow, the resorts will know for sure weather there will be open on saturday but there will tell us if that does not work there will surely be open on sunday. they are hoping for a great season with lots of snow. >> take a look at mammoth mountain. it is opening day. you can imagine that avid skiers and snow boarders all over the bay area are pulling out to their winter gear. to ready to jump into the car and go up to the sierras. it is always such a beautiful picture. jackson is here to tell us if there is going to be more rainfall, snowfall? jacqueline?
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>>jacqueline: if highway no. 50, highway 89 we can see the snowfall on the roads, the highways and it is continuing to snow. the satellite and radar showing the blue. that is indicating snowfall and the the dark blue is indicating heavier snowfall the wider view. we are not done it just yet. this is the main band. still going through tahoe. with a bit of a low but more rain/snowfall going towards tomorrow. the futurecast by 5:00 a.m., a fairly widespread snowfall and it will be even more widespread by 9:00 a.m. with a winter storm warning into effect for this entire region. 1:00 p.m., still continuing but it will finally start to taper off into the evening. additionally 4-8 in. at the lake level. with over one-ft with a lingering snowfall is. into saturday. with even a stovall, rainfall, locally, coming out.
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snowfall-rainfall-total. >> this composite sketch of an attempted kidnapping of a 14 year-old girl in oakland to. phillipe djegal gives us a closer look and who police are looking for. if >> this is a sketch of the man police say approached a 14 year-old girl from behind monday afternoon while walking on the forty-niners block of 103rd avenue in oakland. >> this subsection is described by a 40 year-old victim. this subject -- by our 14 year-old victim. blond hair, shoulder length. wearing a baseball hat. >> the victim struggled after the press and ran away. they have yet to release a police sketch of the driver but he is described as late 20s, tall, thin, caucasian, 130 lbs., with a goatee and a short, brown, spiked hair.
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>> the suspect was last seen getting into a red pickup truck with an extended cab and two doors. >> the crime stoppers are offering $2,500 reward for information leading to an arrest. phillipe djegal, kron 4 news. >> police and walnut creek are looking for two suspects that these carjacked and kidnapped a woman last night at 7:30. the victim left the shade lens business district where she works. then she was walking to her work area. >> they forced her into her own vehicle. put a blindfold on her and tied her feet and her hands and tried her for a run for several hours is. and attempted to obtain money from our bank account. police believe the suspects stopped at eight different atm machines before letting the woman go somewhere in
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the oakland hills. she was found by someone daring that called the 911. she was treated and released at a local hospital for minor injuries. >> in a national news nearly two years after gunning down the several people while targeting gabrielle giffords to take off loughner was sentenced for what took place today. >> the stars are all too obvious this is video of gabrielle giffords earlier this week as your husband pointed out in court today she struggles to wahl and her right arm is paralyzed and her speech is limited. the shooter was sentenced to life in prison without parole. he agreed to this with avoiding the death penalty. they stood together and they said mr. loughner, you could have put a boat to her head but not a dead and her spirit. and he
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showed little reaction. at least 10 other victims were in attendance. >> there was absolutely no way to make sense of those senseless tax. >> barber and the other victims in the will never forget that day in january of last year. gabrielle giffords was holding an outdoor meeting near a supermarket in tucson. jared loughner walked off with a gun killed six people wanting 13 including giffords. he had fired 31 shots and has never explained what had compelled them. psychiatrist testified that despite this drastic swings in his mental
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capacity he was competent to enter the fuel deeply that brought him to this day. >> let the shopping began a grand opening of a new outlet mall has some shopping until they drop. we will tell you where. >> twitter has been hacked. will tell [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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>> a san francisco man has died after suffering from an injury he received during the street celebrations that broke out, after the giants won the world series. the police are calling his death suspicious. the victim has claimed he was beat up but is kron 4 news terisa estacio others reports say that he was part of a street
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party that took a turn for the worse. >> he told his roommate that a group of men approached him and hit him with a metal object. he went home and slept into a coma and was rushed to hospital where he died. san francisco police responded to a man that was down but they declined medical attention. this is police spokesperson. >> we are investigating this is a suspicious death at this point. also he could have been part of a world series celebration. >> you can see they've posted a sign asking anybody if they know of of what happened tonight as he was injured sources say that he hurt himself. he was one of the people in this you tube video. doing somersaults on mattresses and the middle of haight street. in
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celebration of the giants' victory. several people put living over and one person misses the mattresses and p--hits his head on the pavement. however, her roommate is saying that his roommate was a victim of violent attack was a great guy and did not deserve to die. terisa estacio, kron 4 there is been a lot of of criminal activity with 40 arrests and weapons violations, and firearms to be taken off the street. jeff bush talk to police and some of the guns that were seized. >> these are just some of the guns some of the few that have been taken off the streets last month. they have confiscated 40 in the month of october including this ak-47. and 100 round magazine and a mac
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11 submachine gun. >> these would be used on the street and could potentially lead to increase in homicides. all were officers were able to offer had these suspects and take these guns off the streets. and opera of thessuspects. apprehend --. >> these were being carried by people at the giants parade. >> these officers viewed these people that were carrying these. these could have been fired in a crowd and it could have led to a very fatal results. >> the majority of arrests were in the mission district. the san francisco police department were cracking down after a string of high-profile crimes in the month of october. taking these kinds of the street has resulted in a direct reduction in crime chaff
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bush, kron 4 news. >>jacqueline: we've been seeing-jeff bush. -- >>jacqueline: we've been seeing some rainfall totals but we are going to add to that as we see some overnight conditions. in the last 24 hours, to tense with less than that in dublin. with-2/10ths and a little bit of a lull in the rainfall. as we take a look of the stormtracker 4 some spotty showers offshore but otherwise dry conditions. and clear. that will lead to cool conditions overnight we are not come without rainfall. the satellite and radar showing that it is well to the north of this will continue to impact us tonight and tomorrow. most of tomorrow afternoon, actually. has removed towards 10:00, it will move along the coast with moderate rainfall with a
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moderate storm possibility. heavier for the early morning hours and possibly over the bayshore. spotty showers the vocal all throughout the night tonight. and early tomorrow and again we are seeing clear skies with their rainfall include stay clear and temperatures could be chilly. santa rosa, napa, low 40's for the inland valleys. 44-48 degrees it will be chilly tonight and tomorrow. it has brought some cold air from canada. the high tomorrows are only in the 50s. 52 degrees in half moon bay. we will see quite a bit of sun breaks tomorrow but dust chilly air in the region. and gusting winds. as for the snowfall in the sierras that will also continue. widespread. and into
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tomorrow by 9:00 a.m. it will remain heavy. as to go for 9:00 a.m. it could taper off but not until and later. with a bit of the decrease however 4 in.-8 in. tomorrow and a couple more inches on saturday. dry, more air on the way. bahau flowe showers and thunderstorms, coming up. and is also going to be cooler. as we go for saturday if of the frosty. temperatures in the 30's with warmer conditions. >>pam: just-in-time a new outlet mall was in livermore justine walden... >> we love shopping. >> what a perfect reason to come to the paragon outlets
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thousands of people did despite heavy traffic on 580. philip 2 hours but i cannot wait to get there. perhaps another 30 minutes to go. >> this high end out the small is the first to open in california in and out of 11 years. the high end outlet mall, with barneys, prada. and. great deals and banana republic, gap, nike. you name it, they have at that is why people came from a long way to get here. >> ibm from modesto. i think it is great for the area ibm-from modesto. >> despite the rainfall, these people from modesto were even waiting in the rainfall. >> a great pier of joe's jeans for 30 docks. they're normally dollars and 190430 box -- they are normally $190 put out today, there were
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$30 part of a great pair of shows the genes. and i not able to see everything today, i was able to possibly come to more after work. to a $2 million is estimated in tax revenue. adjusting w >> hockey could be returning with collective bargaining, later [ female announcer ] this is the story of eves.
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[ eves ] years ago, i hurt my shoulder drag racing. that's when i decided to take it easy, so i took up hang gliding. [ female announcer ] a grandpa who refuses to grow up. [ eves ] the pain was bad, but the thought of not being a hang glider pilot was worse. [ female announcer ] that's when eves turned to sutter health's palo alto medical foundation. [ eves ] the doctors that i dealt with, they got it, that this old guy wanted to return as a hang glider pilot. they got me flying again. [ female announcer ] palo alto medical foundation, and sutter health -- our story is you.
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gabe slate tech report twitter has possibly been hacked. if they send e-mails that look like this to users. in the e-mail, they have reset their passwords to protect themselves but they need those to to choose a new password the next time
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the law in. if your twitter account is acting funny just change your password to be safe. and a big day for android... right now, the most popular smart phone is the samsung galaxys3 on the third quarter reports it could change when fourth quarter reports come in. if the galaxy s3 had a higher market share than the apple iphone. it shipped more than that the iphone. it has grabbed the market share but that this country and a smart phone maker could have to give it back as it is expected to sell a ton of iphone to this holiday season. and you can spehlspare .99 cents angry birds is
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available with a star wars theme and birds are tun rned into farjedi with ree updates... [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t.
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[ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network.
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choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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>> black friday shopping is starting even before friday this here. we will tell you how early some customers will be able to line up for the deals this holiday season. the president is said to address the nation as concerns rise over budget cuts set to take place. what the president and congress are facing, as the nation creep closer towards that fiscal cliff
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>> now for a look at our top stories at 8:30 this is a police sketch of one of
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the men who tried to kidnap a 14 year-old girl back on november 5th in the afternoon and accurate she was walking near international boulevard and 103 in oakland. they tried to pull her into a car that was waiting nearby. she a m was able to escape. there is a 2005 voter dollar reward being offered. >> it has been one week since the california highway patrol started helping oakland police patrol the city's high crime areas. they call it " operation impact " and the chp says it is showing early results. with 190 traffic stops, 87 citations, impounded 23 vehicles. and three have n there h-not been any homicides. jared loughner, the man who killed six and
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injured 13 including congresswoman gabrielle giffords in the tucson shopping rampage has been sentenced to life in prison without parole. a judge handed down the seven consecutive life terms plus 140 years. jared loughner pleaded guilty to 19 charges to avoid the death penalty. >> also, there is the gasoline rationing for the new york area. and " don't try to be cute. they will be checking drivers license plates. new york mayor gilbert has issued an emergency order rationing gasoline. also, the new york director of emergency management is out of a job. a source inside government andrew cuomo's administration says stephen kuhr used government workers
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to clear his own driveway during super storm sandy. they say that he had workers remove a tree. he was working in albany during the storm. >> with storm pummeled by this storm >> everything that i own is here. this is creating a potentially deadly situation for those without power. >> we got our power last friday and it is off again today frustrating is a fair word. >> dangers road conditions. >> people were caught not anybody was going anywhere nothing was open. >> they are taking this wild weather in stride. the mobile got through the first one we can get you anything. >> that was catherine heenan. from we've compiled some more of the dramatic
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still images from this nor'easter. you can see this man walking through the streets of manhattan. he is being pelted. and compromised and behind him there are large trees with orange cones. not to put this situation. and is still in a long island to you can see this underground transformer explodes. the small, the flames can be seen and meanwhile, take a look with debris clogging the streets. as snowfall is on the items that santee picked up and destroyed just last week. look at these items. and near roclaway... the snowfall on these pilot sand piles from hurricane sandy these piles of sand now, snowfall. and of new
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york has joined jersey with portions of both states rationing gas based on the license plate number. line gas station lines persist in this region. the fuel restrictions are expected to last for weeks. this gas station in new jersey is still powerless but people are using a generator to move the gas into the close personal gas cans. more than 650,000 people are still without power. this nor'easter still providing challenges for the east seaboard. >>jacqueline: we can see some drier conditions right now that is not going to be the case overnight. this satellite and radar showing a wider picture with this initial band of rainfall through the central valley.
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what we also see is this program, spotty cloud pattern of shore. and what we also see is this tonight and tomorrow. had a spotty thunder shower activity and with your weather headlines. these are mostly clear right now with a blast of cold air. we are talking 30's, 40's, overnight with some showers and the chances for the weekend, dry air weather. more on the rainfall timing it out on futurecast. >> san francisco is prepared to be the first u.s. city for covering the cost of sex reassignment surgery for uninsured transit gender. it was approved early for transgendered--precedence. to treat transgendered people that are experiencing gender identity issues with a sexual reassignment city under the universal health care program. they say that the
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new transgender help initiative will be operational by next year. >> coming up, there has been a spy can personal electronic paths. one reason we are making it this is so easy with electronic access fathe three thieves
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>> today's market update with a the wednesday's big post-election sell-off. the dow jones dropped 121 points and the nasdaq dropped 40 points and the s&p 500 also dropped 17 points today. investors are on edge that fears have gridlock in washington will force the economy of the fiscal cliff. those overshadowed some positive reports on the weekly initial jobless numbers and the monthly trade balance. store sales for the first time in nearly a decade. mcdonald's showing
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that sales dropped that has not happened since 2003. u.s. locations were hurt by a modest consumer demand and higher competition from the month of october. , africa and to the least. in also saw its decline in europe, south asia. and other locations internationally. pair of black friday will actually be if 8:00 p.m. thursday evening on wal- mart. new offers to be introduced at 10:00 p.m., with more discounts offered at 5:00 a.m. for the early risers. and wal-mart plans a separate sale online. president obama will address the nation tomorrow is urging lawmakers to head off the drastic budget cuts. huge tax hikes that will go
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into effect january 1st. catherine heenan will explain why this is the pouring of a new crisis. >> the fiscal cliff. >> the fiscal cliff. >> the physical plant. >> the looming fiscal cliff. , congress created the fiscal cliff to force itself with the growing national debt. worst-case scenario in case there is no agreement on cutting spending and raising revenue. if there is no compromise by the end of the year, the pentagon's budget will be slashed by $55 billion. a 10% from every program and another 55 billion from non-stiffens programs like education, food, inspections and non- defense-programs. medicare payments will drop to 26 by 27% to doctors and also all tax residents could see a 50% increase on tax
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residents. it is much like what could see on the james bond " skyfall;; catherine heenan, kron 4. >> president mohammad morrissey, and benjamin netanyahu, and david cameron of england. they say that all of these world leaders are congratulate him on a second term. president obama has the opportunity to travel to miramar-- myamar... coming up next from the jack in the box sports a tadesk
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[ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah blah blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no. we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor. a feeding frenzy, to say the least. a turkey from safeway will have everyone raving. there's fresh, natural, frozen, whatever your craving. spend $25, and get a frozen safeway turkey
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for 59 cents a pound. or spend $25, and a frozen butterball turkey, just 99 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life.
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(male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. you know, and if the world and it right now this is second, there would be somebody staring into their mobile device, of bill of this. this man is a prime example,--oblivious-he is walking across market street eyes focused on his mobile device. then he stops right in front of me, and can never once has he checked his surroundings. people have completely become oblivious that i was standing and watching him take a look of this person i am watching this man on his phone while he is wearing headphones. he has no clear i am sieger. a-guy could be doing the same except the bad guy or the back row will simply jack you for your phone it happens every day.
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take a look get these two men waiting for a streetcar. neither one looks up they are still engrossed with their phones and they do not to notice me. >> just out of curiosity but a looking at your phone? >> schedules. >> i told the have and not looked up for about three minutes there were lucky with the next street car was set to arrive. i found a lot of people that did not know there were being watched. i was not hiding the i was in plain view live. this guy was my favorite. he never saw me even though i walked with him for more than one full minute. we even crossed the street together and still he never saw me somehow we have allowed electronic to take over our world. and that is not by any means, a good thing. and san francisco, stanley roberts, kron 4.
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>>pam: if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, you can email us at m >>jacqueline: of wet weather it is going to continue tomorrow with the possibility of rain and chilly conditions. this system has brought cold air with saturday, sunday we are going to start to warm up but still low 60s. this live look at the satellite and writer with a indicating satellite/radar. by 10:00 p.m., that is returning to the coast and moderate. thunderstorm activity in that i just talked about. we will see that moving towards the bayshore and by 3:00 p.m. it is also spotty with the morning commute. notice, heavier near fairfield, with the thunderstorms could be virtually anywhere tomorrow. as we go for letter tomorrow that spotty rain continues.
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later-tomorrow and a lot of breaks of sunshine for most of the the area. with cloud coverage over the east bay with breaks of sunshine not only through tonight tonight. clear skies tonight but also tomorrow. the clear skies tonight will lead to a chilly conditions in the north bay, the el diablo range. temperatures in the 30's. if we are seeing 50s, low 50s and even mid '50s at the most by 3:00 p.m. here is a look at neighborhood by neighborhood 56 in concord. 50s and san jose, 54 degrees and santa rosa. as for the snowfall that is also going to continue. and fairly widespread snowfall for the sierras that is going to continue. it will start to die down and leaving us with eight other for -8 in. with 4 in.-8 in.
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lingering. dry conditions expected on sunday. with our local extended forecast showers and thunderstorms possible tomorrow. temperatures will stay cool and improving conditions but saturday, sunday will be very chilly. 30's. >> announcer" it is now time for sports structure, gary radnich. for the jack in the box. >> many people upset hey, your the jack in the box sports guy. >> have they asked you for a sandwich? pal [laughter] i said it last weekend and i feel like a piece of meat. everybody wants to advertise. here is a mercedes. and i want people to like the for me.
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>> i am sure there is that too. and would you still care for me. >> a jacqueline the box. [laughter] >> news from the warriors is not so hot. the key to the warriors entire season is an truffe bogen is going to sit out. if to surgically repair his ankle. people have said that we had to throw something out there would do not know how long he is going to be out. with planning only 20 minutes per night and let us rest and see if he can come back strong. >> i want to play basketball. for me to get back on the floor. if i have tried and i feel like i cannot rebound. i cannot move the way i have wanted
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to move. i have tried to get perhaps pushing things and i should not have. >> we will see the fruits of the it down the road. on the course, just how could he is. shots, rebounding. and as i mentioned, we are going to be very patient. among the workers cannot seem to catch a break with kobe bryant tomorrow. from the baseball general manager. billy bee is the executive of the year. $55 million payroll heat built the team to the playoffs. and for a while, he was one of the most talked-about franchises in history. the way that they came from behind and celebrated. there will reconvene and again that there will come back. buster posy. just to get the award powerhous one week from tt he is going to likely be the
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national league's most voluble player. and the silvers lo slaughteslaught silvw luck looked great tonight 23-10. i could speak with eight minutes as you have but andrew looked great, and to order 27 yds, two touchdowns. 27-10 = the final score in the and the colts. and andrew luck.. great. also, it is looking
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likely that he is not for declining for this weekend and baltimore at home is really tough. congratulations are in the water for this player, he has unanimously penn voted it the dirtiest player. ndamukong suh has been voted the dirtiest player in the nfl. >> it is better to be meeting than not. so i expect we're going to be meeting again tomorrow. >> i am not going to characterize it collective bargaining is a process and it is peaks and valleys and ebbs and flows and it is very difficult to project. >> earlier, pamela and i
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were thinking about how do when the lockout to do you remember? >> it to be just ignored. >> and nobody is missing us we'd better get back to work. >> i do not know if nobody is missing them. >> i and the sports director! [laughter] >> but i am missing them. >> but when you do with the weather, do i say that it is not going to rain? [laughter] the pro football retirement better than montana, young, and next pfft
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>> he is certainly the greatest are real, player of the sabercats griebs is retiring at 38 years. with 922 touchdowns. again we are choking but it is the fact. montana and steve young and not even close. mark grieb retires as one of the greatest indoor he has a master's degree but want to get into coaching. from all of us, we wish him well.
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when you play a real football. that is minor league in some people's minds but when you put up those numbers. >> at that is incredible. >> way to go. >> we will see tonight and a 11:00 p.m. have a nice evening. good morning! wow.
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want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.


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